The Octava HDLAN Controller is a server that provides both ‘Front End’ User Interface and “Backend” gateway services that handles HTTP API to control and monitor the HDLAN Video Over IP System.

Most users will simply use the pre-built Front End User Interface to control the HDLAN Video Over IP system without having to write one line of code. For those who are more adventurous, or need the ability to integrate the HDLAN Over IP System into a 3rd party control software platform, we provide Open HTTP API Commands.
Protocol: http
Port: 1880
Switch Single Receiver to Video Input:
API Call = http://{ip address of HDLAN Controller:1880}/switchRX/:rx/input/:videoInput
Example: switching RX 4 to Video Input 2
http://{ip address of HDLAN Controller:1880}/switchRX/4/vlan/3
Switch All Receivers to Video Input:
API Call = http://{ip address of HDLAN Controller:1880}/switchALL/:videoInput
Example: switching ALL receivers to Video Input 2
http://{ip address of HDLAN Controller:1880}/switchALL/2
Switch to Preset :
Preset 1, 2, 3 are allowed
API Call = http://{ip address of HDLAN Controller:1880}/switchRX/UserPreset/:preset
Example: switch to preset 2
http://{ip address of HDLAN Controller:1880}/switchRX/UserPreset/2
PoE Power ON or OFF :
Turns On or Off the Power Over Ethernet of the Switch
API Call = http://{ip address of HDLAN Controller:1880}/poe/:{on / off}
Example: Set Power Over Ethernet ON = PoE ON
http://{ip address of HDLAN Controller:1880}/poe/on